The Golden Age of Whaling > A Myth of Reincarnation-an Inverted Space

The myth of the whale reincarnated into planes; a space of inversion.

There is a myth that the whales slaughtered in the 19th Century, have been reincarnated as airplanes. As airplanes, they continue to travel the globe in one another's flight paths, while reclaiming their once harvested oil as fuel.

As the whaling industry sought to find more whaling grounds, whaler's pushed the boundaries of global exploration. What they left in their wake changed the course of the world we inhabit today.

The myth of the whales being reincarnated as airplanes, brings the past into the present. The correlations between whale and plane, brings our historic relationship with whales into a direct conversation with that of humanity’s exploitation of the natural world.

Tales of Grief
Ink and enamel on paper
9" x 4"
Reunited Skyward
Mixed Media on Paper
12" x 7"
Arctic Violet
Mixed Media on Paper
Interlooping Lives
acrylic and ink on board
Rope Inversion
acrylic and ink on board
24" x 18"
Underwater Grave
pen and ink on paper
30" x 20"
Upside Down World
ink and gouache on paper
12" x 14"