Dream Home > Make It Work, Human Resources, 2014

Project Proposal: Pirate Jenny's Dream Home
Project Proposal: Pirate Jenny's Dream Home

Pirate Jenny's Dream Home
ACA Residency with Rick Lowe

In 2011 Kate Hoffman wrote a proposal to attend a residency at the Atlantic Center for the Arts to work with artist Rick Lowe. Within this proposal, Hoffman expressed an interest working with the concept of how a person must start with nothing more tangible than an idea in order to take a particular direction in life. Taking the scenarios of children responding to the adult question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Hoffman proposed to work with youth in creating models of the homes that would go along with this imagined career and grown up life.

Project Realization
Taking this up for the duration of Make it Work, this project manifested in inviting all gallery visitors to sit down and create a dream home for themselves. Hoffman asked each participant to consider a home that would go along with any number of variables that could included a possible plan B in life, a road not taken or complete fantasy/ alternative life. Using home magazines and an assortment of art media, this piece become something in the gallery more like an ongoing workshop. Depending on the interests and needs of the participant, the role of the artist became any one of these things at different turns: a collaborator, a teacher, an assistant or facilitator.

The following images are of the homes that were produced onsite as well as a form they were asked to fill out to accompany the artwork.